Advanced Seller Data Services
"Providing the very best lists for note brokers and investors"
We are the premier supplier of leads for seller carryback notes used by
the nation’s top note investors, note brokers and note finders. Please explore our site
including all of the free resources for note brokers toward the bottom of this page. We
are the best source for seller carry back leads for many reasons, including
You have access to programs meeting every level and budget
Many of our customers are long time note brokers or investors who have been in the business for over a decade. They have a fine tuned marketing plan allowing them to mail 5,000 or more note holders every month with confidence. Others are just starting up as note finders and need a smaller and simpler program focusing on getting a couple of deals under their belt.
You have the reassurances of our exclusive guarantees
We give you guaranteed promises unmatched in the industry. Click here to see our nine guarantees.
You learn much more about marketing your note business from us
We are not successful unless you are successful. You have free access to articles, and other to make your note business successful. It is easier for us to work with the same happy customers over and over again rather then find new customers. Some of our customers have been with us since our creation.
You receive the most information for the lowest price in the business
You have over 30 fields of information in every record. Eight of the most important fields are proprietary and not available anywhere else. You have exclusive information to determine what note holders are best to target repeatedly. For more details click here.
You work with or learn from some of the best and most knowledgeable specialist about how to market yourself as a note broker
We inform you about other important vendors and organizations you must know to run a profitable business for free! Printers, mailers, phone services, news letters and valuation sites are necessary to run efficiently and maximize your profits. We are not successful unless you are successful. We do not hold anything back because our only business is selling our lists and we have no financial ties to any of companies listed.
You have access to programs meeting every level and budget
Many of our customers are long time note broker or investors who have been in the business for over a decade. They have a fine tuned marketing plan allowing them to mail 5,000 or more note holders every month with confidence. Others are just starting up as note finders and need a smaller and simpler program focusing on getting a couple of deals under their belt.
No set up fees or long term contracts
Our customers return to us again and again on their own. We never require a long term contract locking you into purchasing more lists from us. Only companies who fear you will not return would make you sign a contract that you must return to them.
We find more leads than anyone
Studies show we pull between 10 and 20% more seller carry back leads in most counties due to our own exclusive and proprietary data matching criteria. Most data providers only pick up leads where the seller’s name matches the lender’s name. In other words, the seller’s name and buyers name must be an exact match for many other lists. We go much deeper to pick up misspelled names (very common when the data entry person is must type over 100 wpm), changed names due to marriage or divorce (common times to carry a note) or if the property was held by a business or other entity and the note holder is in the personal name of the owner (common when an owner sells the business or retires). You have access to over 500,000 leads available in our database.
You never purchase the same lead twice or have any gaps between orders
We track every record from all of your orders. You never need to worry about records overlapping from one order to the next. Every record we send you will never appear in a future list from us. We will always pick up right where we left off in your last order so you never miss any leads from one list to your next list.
Enhance your image with the note seller by showing them you are a thoughtful and caring company who is concerned about everyone you mail and the environment
By helping people who do not wish to receive your mailer, you greatly increase your status in the mind of note sellers looking for honest, caring and helpful companies to work with. By offering to help those who don’t send you business, you show note holders how considerate you are and much you care about people’s feelings and the environment. You will never loose any business because the people who remove their name do not want to sell their note and therefore are not customers. Think how often you give business to a company who helps others through donations even when those they aid are not paying customers. You can create the same type of goodwill for your business.
By offering a friendly method to help those who do not want further mailings, you earn positive feelings from your customer because: 1) You are reaching out to help others solve a problem they want solved and 2) You show concern for the environment by saving trees and reducing waste.
You also benefit because people can go online instead of calling you and wasting your time. On the bottom of the mailer just include the instructions: “To stop receiving mailers on your note, go to to keep your information private.”

We are not Successful unless you are Successful!
We could not remain in business without our repeat customers. There are only a small number of note brokers and note finders around and it would be impossible to survive if we constantly had to find new customers. Therefore, we strive to make all of our customers successful and profitable. Feel free to use the following information to help your business grow. All of the information we provide is based on many years of marketing experience.

A Free Education
We will gladly provide you with as much free information as possible to succeed in the cash flow industry. We have published many reports and papers about direct marketing for seller carryback notes. The reports are too lengthy to be placed on this page so we gave them a few pages of their own. Check them out to see what you absolutely must know about marketing for note holders before you start mailing.

More Great Resources for Note Brokers
All professionals must continue to enhance their skills and educate themselves about their industry or they will never grow their business or income potential. Note buyers are no different. Without continuing to improve your knowledge and skills you can not succeed. The note industry has changed 180 degrees since we started in 1994. Here are the best resources that offer timeless advice to keep your note business fundamentally sound and the latest ideas to move on the forefront of the changes sure to keep coming in the future.

Website with valuable information on the Note Industry has great information for everyone from beginning note finders to seasoned professionals. Their material and lessons are updated frequently so you will need to check their site often.

News Letters and Journals with the latest information about the Note Industry
You must keep on top of current industry events to remain relevant in business today. The Paper Source has been keeping note brokers informed of industry trends, marketing techniques and the latest investors to enter the market since 1987.

Printing and Mailing Services
Mailing note sellers has never been easier! These companies are “one stop shops” for those looking for someone to help design, print and mail postcards and letters. Not only will they do all the work, they give you postage discounts not available if you do each function yourself. ASDS can work directly with them to create a seamless marketing pipeline. You never need to leave the office to run your mailing program. Look at several sites to find the one best fitting your needs

Toll Free Number Providers
Note holders desperate for your services need cash and are not willing to pay for the call. A toll free number tells note holders you are professional. Tests have shown repeatedly, even the very best mailer will not work well without a toll free number. Most note holders requiring cash can not afford free long distance services. Again, shop and compare for the program that best fit your requirements.

Property Valuation and Review Websites
You can go to these noteworthy sites as you are speaking to your contract sellers or before submitting information to your investor to get a more complete picture of the property and its value.

Other Organizations
Other organizations note brokers can use to enhance their marketing efforts.

About Advanced Seller Data Services
We are the premier supplier of leads for seller carryback notes used by the nation’s top note investors, note brokers and note finders. Please explore our site including all of the free resources for note brokers toward the bottom of this page.
Years In Business
We are the best source for seller carry back leads for many reasons, including

1. You have access to programs meeting every level and budget.
Many of our customers are long time note broker or investors who have been in the business for over a decade. They have a fine tuned marketing plan allowing them to mail 5,000 or more note holders every month with confidence. Others are just starting up as note finders and need a smaller and simpler program focusing on getting a couple of deals under their belt.

2. You have the reassurances of our exclusive guarantees.
We give you guaranteed promises unmatched in the industry. Click here to see our nine guarantees.

3. You learn much more about marketing your note business from us.
We are not successful unless you are successful. You have free access to articles, and other tools to make your note business successful. It is easier for us to work with the same happy customers over and over again rather then find new customers. Some of our customers have been with us since our creation.
We are not Successful unless you are Successful!
We could not remain in business without our repeat customers. There are only a small number of note brokers and note finders around and it would be impossible to survive if we constantly had to find new customers. Therefore, we strive to make all of our customers successful and profitable. Feel free to use the following information to help your business grow. All of the information we provide is based on many years of marketing experience.

A Free Education
We will gladly provide you with as much free information as possible to succeed in the cash flow industry. We have published many reports and papers about direct marketing for seller carryback notes. The reports are too lengthy to be placed on this page so we gave them a few pages of their own. Check them out to see what you absolutely must know about marketing for note holders before you start mailing.
More Great Resources for Note Brokers:
All professionals must continue to enhance their skills and educate themselves about their industry or they will never grow their business or income potential. Note buyers are no different. Without continuing to improve your knowledge and skills you can not succeed. The note industry has changed 180 degrees since we started in 1994. Here are the best resources that offer timeless advice to keep your note business fundamentally sound and the latest ideas to move on the forefront of the changes sure to keep coming in the future.
Website with valuable information on the Note Industry
Website with valuable information on the Note Industry has great information for everyone from beginning note finders to seasoned professionals. Their material and lessons are updated frequently so you will need to check their site often.
News Letters and Journals with the latest information about the Note Industry
You must keep on top of current industry events to remain relevant in business today. The Paper Source has been keeping note brokers informed of industry trends, marketing techniques and the latest investors to enter the market since 1987.
Printing and Mailing Services
Mailing note sellers has never been easier! These companies are “one stop shops” for those looking for someone to help design, print and mail postcards and letters. Not only will they do all the work, they give you postage discounts not available if you do each function yourself. ASDS can work directly with them to create a seamless marketing pipeline. You never need to leave the office to run your mailing program. Look at several sites to find the one best fitting your needs.
- 866-665-2787
- 888-663-7080
- Postcard 866-764-0337
Property Valuation and Review Websites
You can go to these noteworthy sites as you are speaking to your contract sellers or before submitting information to your investor to get a more complete picture of the property and its value.
Toll Free Number Providers
Note holders desperate for your services need cash and are not willing to pay for the call. A toll free number tells note holders you are professional. Tests have shown repeatedly, even the very best mailer will not work well without a toll free number. Most note holders requiring cash can not afford free long distance services. Again, shop and compare for the program that best fit your requirements.
Phone 800-510-5500
My 1 866-358-6366
e-voice 888-852-5599
Other Organizations
Other organizations note brokers can use to enhance their marketing efforts.